Friday, September 25, 2015

5 Interesting Topics

Age of Consent

     This topic is interesting because there are many different sides to the argument. Some people believe it should be lowered, and that teenagers should be able to make all of their own decisions. Other people believe that teens can be manipulated into taking part in activities they otherwise wouldn't have. The second group wants the age of consent to be 18 or even older.

Questions: What are the motivations of people who want to decrease the age of consent?
                   How have teens reacted to the debate?

Vocabulary word: Carnally- pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body

Question for my peers; How do you personally feel about age of consent laws?

"Age of Consent." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.


     This issue is important because the future of the Earth and humanity, depend on the actions we take now. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbonic acid in to the environment, producing acid precipitation. This 5.4 pH is detrimental to plant life and even to human. The wasting of nonrenewable resources also puts future generations at risk for an energy crisis. As global citizens we should all make an effort to stop polluting the Earth so it can survive more many more years in the future.

Questions: Why are so many denying the affects of pollution?
Are these same people aware of the affect their actions have on the environment?

Vocabulary word: Smog- fog combined with smoke or other air pollutants.

Question for my peers: How do you combat pollution in your daily lives?

"Pollution." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is being debated on a lot recently. There are two main sides to the debate. some believe that the minimum wage should be raised to $15. The current federal minimum wage is not enough to live off of. If it was raised to $15 dollars, then workers would be able to pay for their expenses and save up money. Others believe that $15 is too much, and that entry level jobs will be eliminated. However, the claim ha not been substantiated.

Questions: What data can support the claims of those against raising the minimum wage?
Why was $15 chosen as the living wage?
Vocabulary word: Compensation- something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.

Question for my peers: What do you think the minimum wage should be?

"Minimum Wage." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.


Poverty is an important issue because it affects millions of people around the world, but it should no longer be a problem in our society. The US government defines poverty as a family of 4 living on $23,050 or less, or one person living on $11,170 or less. The poverty rate was declining after it reached 22% in the 1950s. However, it increased after the great recession in 2009 to 15.9%. The government has been known to offer more non-monetary assistance over monetary assistance.

Questions: Why are some people against government assistance?
                   Is cash or non cash assistance more beneficial?

Vocabulary word: a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced

Question for my peers: Do you think the government should increase the amount of cash assistance given to people living under the poverty line?

"Poverty." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

Women's Rights

     Women's rights is a very important issue in our society, and it has been for many years. Women and men do not receive the same treatment in the work place and other aspects of life.  Women make over .33 cents less than men per dollar generally.  Gender based discrimination exists in schools, the government, and the workplace. The feminist movement has picked up in the past few years, to make  a change.

Questions: How did gender bias originate in our society? 
                   What systems are upholding this bias?

Vocabulary word: lineage- lineal descent from an ancestor

Question for my peers: Do you believe women should have an equal place in society?

"Women’s Rights." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

Monday, September 21, 2015

What I Consider Interesting

The subject I enjoy reading about the most is history.
My favorite pastime is watching movies.
If i won the lottery I would use the money to pay for a car, because I don't like taking the bus.
The type of volunteering activity I prefer is working with children.
my favorite school subject has always been English, because I love to write.
If I ran the world, I would change the way we think about education because I think the current school system is antiquated.